
Showing posts from November, 2021

The worst ever: Haiti

Haiti's long  lasting  the  impact Was Earthquake  Haiti actually an  earthquake ? Blog made by Zuhayr, of 8th silver   The fever dream H aiti is the only — natural or unnatural —t ragedy I think about on January the 12th, because 2010 wasn't just a  cultural reset , this was a geographical  reset and I quite literally mean so. I've thought to myself quite a few times if Earthquake Haiti was a natural disaster or just a big mistake on the Government's end, and I've come to the conclusion that it is the latter for several reasons. However, January 12th was just tragic in so many different ways. H owever to be fair, this wasn't completely  geographical . And that is the mistake we all confuse most ''natural'' disasters for . The government is very reckless with natural disasters. Haiti got rocked completely by a mortifying 7.0  magnitude showing it's long lasting impact by miles already, and it reached miles already especially towards Port-au

Hurricane Katrina

The Government disaster; Katrina Sixteen years ago, New Orleans was nearly destroyed. It was giving signs of bad governance—and it still is. - Created by Zuhayr of 8th-Silver H urricane Katrina; THE unexpected.  A tropical depression, that became Hurricane Katrina  was formed over the Bahamas during August 23rd of 2005. Already giving fear to the ones in New  Orleans, and New Orleans specifically, As they were the ones at high risks.  Hurricane Katrina made landfall off the coast of Louisiana on August 29, 2005. Showing it's ever-lasting effec ts, its winds reached speeds higher than 120 miles per hour. A nd knowing how much of an impact it made it also became the costliest storm on record to date, A $108 billion on property damage alone.  The horrible aftermath of Hurricane Katrina caused  questioning to the safety of natural disaster victims, and lack of preparedness for the storm. As this irresponsibility by the government had been going on for years. Katrina's victims