The worst ever: Haiti

Haiti's long lasting the impact

Was Earthquake Haiti actually an earthquake?

Blog made by Zuhayr, of 8th silver 

The fever dream

Haiti is the onlynatural or unnatural—tragedy I think about on January the 12th, because 2010 wasn't just a cultural reset, this was a geographical  reset and I quite literally mean so. I've thought to myself quite a few times if Earthquake Haiti was a natural disaster or just a big mistake on the Government's end, and I've come to the conclusion that it is the latter for several reasons. However, January 12th was just tragic in so many different ways.

However to be fair, this wasn't completely geographical. And that is the mistake we all confuse most ''natural'' disasters for. The government is very reckless with natural disasters. Haiti got rocked completely by a mortifying 7.0 magnitude showing it's long lasting impact by miles already, and it reached miles already especially towards Port-au-Prince. Where it hit surrounding areas as well.
Patrice Piard's art

Redefining the meaning of a natural disaster was the first move on the government's end, after one actually brutally injures people, after one leaves millions of people homeless, after one traumatises children for the rest of their life, only after people ACTUALLY die. Which is sad to know knowing the government will only ever even think of taking action after thousands are lost and left devastated.

2010 was 11 whole years ago. Where is the government now? Where were they back then? And where will they be when another 2010 happens to Haiti. Keep in mind Haiti was never warned for this at all even though there were clear signs. So how are protests considered Illegal when they are for a cause? Digging further into the hole these questions really had me wondering on the validity and faith that the government promises...

What if three hundred and sixteen thousand people according to the government's ''estimates'' had not died? What if they contributed to their funds? What if Haiti had actually been ''built back better"? What if the $13.5 billion in donated funds was used to create a better childhood for the children? What if the government rebuilt homes, hospitals, schools? What if fundraisers, orphanages, women’s organisations, and peasant farmers were given credit and support for their hard work? We could've seen Haiti still livelier than ever!

Just what If..? Haiti's earthquake seems like a headshot right in between a natural disaster and man-made disaster and one of the many of its kind, Haiti might not be ready for another haunting 2010! So what do you think; Is Earthquake Haiti a natural disaster? a man-made disaster? a mix of both? or is this just one of those very undefinable cases of an earthquake.


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